Photo 1 Roof 2 Cricket

Maximizing Roof Efficiency with Roof Cricket

Roof cricket, also known as a saddle or a ridge diverter, is a small peaked structure installed on the high side of a chimney or other obstruction on a sloped roof. Its purpose is to divert water away from the chimney or obstruction and prevent water from pooling and causing damage to the roof. The design of the roof cricket allows for water to flow off the roof and around the obstruction, rather than pooling behind it. This helps to protect the roof and extend its lifespan.

Roof cricket works by creating a small peak in the roofline, which directs water away from the obstruction and towards the lower slope of the roof. This prevents water from pooling behind the obstruction and causing leaks or damage to the roof. The design of the roof cricket also helps to improve the overall efficiency of the roof by ensuring that water is properly diverted away from potential problem areas. Additionally, roof cricket can also help to prevent ice dams from forming on the roof, which can cause significant damage during the winter months.

Roof cricket is an essential component of a well-designed and efficient roofing system, as it helps to prevent water damage and improve the overall performance of the roof. By understanding how roof cricket works and its importance in protecting the roof, homeowners can make informed decisions about their roofing needs.

Key Takeaways

  • Roof cricket is a small ridge structure installed on the high side of a chimney or other obstruction to divert water around the obstruction and prevent pooling.
  • Roof cricket maximizes roof efficiency by preventing water from pooling and causing damage to the roof and surrounding areas.
  • When installing roof cricket, factors to consider include the size and slope of the roof, the type of roofing material, and local building codes and regulations.
  • There are different types of roof cricket, including standard, stepped, and extended, each with specific applications depending on the roof design and layout.
  • Maintenance and care for roof cricket include regular inspections, clearing debris, and ensuring proper drainage to prevent water damage.

The Benefits of Roof Cricket: How it Maximizes Roof Efficiency

The installation of a roof cricket offers several benefits that contribute to maximizing the efficiency and longevity of a roof. Firstly, a roof cricket helps to prevent water from pooling behind obstructions such as chimneys, which can lead to leaks and water damage. By diverting water away from these areas, a roof cricket helps to protect the structural integrity of the roof and prevent costly repairs in the future.

Additionally, roof cricket can also help to improve the overall efficiency of a roof by preventing ice dams from forming. Ice dams occur when snow on the roof melts and refreezes at the eaves, causing water to back up under the shingles and potentially leak into the home. The installation of a roof cricket helps to direct water away from these problem areas, reducing the risk of ice dams and potential water damage.

Furthermore, a well-designed roof cricket can also enhance the aesthetic appeal of a home by providing a seamless transition between different sections of the roof. This not only adds to the overall curb appeal of the property but also contributes to the overall value of the home. Overall, the installation of a roof cricket offers numerous benefits that contribute to maximizing the efficiency and longevity of a roof.

Factors to Consider When Installing Roof Cricket

When considering the installation of a roof cricket, there are several important factors that homeowners should take into account. Firstly, it is crucial to consider the size and pitch of the roof, as this will determine the size and design of the roof cricket needed. The slope of the roof will also impact how water flows off the roof and around obstructions, so it is essential to ensure that the roof cricket is properly designed to accommodate these factors.

Additionally, it is important to consider local building codes and regulations when installing a roof cricket. Different areas may have specific requirements for the installation of roof crickets, so it is important to ensure that all necessary permits and approvals are obtained before beginning the installation process.

Furthermore, homeowners should also consider the materials used in the construction of the roof cricket. It is important to choose durable and weather-resistant materials that will withstand exposure to the elements and provide long-lasting protection for the roof. By taking these factors into consideration, homeowners can ensure that their roof cricket is properly designed and installed to maximize its effectiveness.

The Different Types of Roof Cricket and Their Applications

Type of Roof Cricket Application
Intercepted Cricket Used to divert water around a chimney or other obstruction on the roof
Parallel Cricket Installed parallel to the slope of the roof to divert water away from a wall or other vertical surface
Ridge Cricket Placed at the intersection of two roof slopes to prevent water from pooling at the ridge

There are several different types of roof crickets available, each designed for specific applications and roofing configurations. One common type is a standard ridge diverter, which is typically used on sloped roofs with chimneys or other obstructions. This type of roof cricket is designed to divert water away from these obstructions and prevent water from pooling behind them.

Another type of roof cricket is a valley diverter, which is used in areas where two sections of the roof meet at a valley. This type of roof cricket helps to direct water away from these problem areas and prevent leaks or water damage.

Additionally, there are also custom-designed roof crickets that are specifically tailored to accommodate unique roofing configurations or obstructions. These custom crickets are designed to provide a seamless transition between different sections of the roof and ensure that water is properly diverted away from potential problem areas.

By understanding the different types of roof crickets available and their specific applications, homeowners can make informed decisions about which type of cricket is best suited for their roofing needs.

Maintenance and Care for Roof Cricket

Proper maintenance and care for a roof cricket are essential to ensure its continued effectiveness in protecting the roof from water damage. Regular inspections should be conducted to check for any signs of damage or wear, such as cracks or deterioration in the materials. Any issues should be addressed promptly to prevent further damage to the roof.

Additionally, it is important to keep gutters and downspouts clear of debris to ensure that water can flow freely off the roof and around obstructions. Clogged gutters can lead to water backing up on the roof, which can compromise the effectiveness of the roof cricket and potentially lead to water damage.

Furthermore, it is important to ensure that any nearby trees are trimmed back to prevent branches from overhanging onto the roof and potentially causing damage to the roof cricket. By taking these steps to properly maintain and care for a roof cricket, homeowners can ensure that their roofing system remains protected from water damage.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Installing Roof Cricket

When installing a roof cricket, there are several common mistakes that homeowners should avoid to ensure that it is properly designed and installed for maximum effectiveness. One common mistake is improper sizing or placement of the roof cricket, which can compromise its ability to divert water away from obstructions. It is important to ensure that the size and placement of the cricket are carefully considered to accommodate the specific roofing configuration.

Another common mistake is using subpar materials in the construction of the roof cricket. It is essential to use durable and weather-resistant materials that will withstand exposure to the elements and provide long-lasting protection for the roof. Using low-quality materials can compromise the effectiveness of the cricket and lead to potential issues in the future.

Furthermore, failing to obtain necessary permits or approvals before installing a roof cricket can lead to legal issues and potential fines. It is important to ensure that all local building codes and regulations are followed when installing a roof cricket to avoid any complications down the line.

By being aware of these common mistakes and taking steps to avoid them, homeowners can ensure that their roof cricket is properly designed and installed for maximum effectiveness in protecting their roofing system.

Hiring a Professional: Why it’s Important for Roof Cricket Installation

Given the complexity of designing and installing a roof cricket, it is important for homeowners to consider hiring a professional contractor with experience in roofing systems. A professional contractor will have the expertise and knowledge needed to properly assess the specific roofing configuration and determine the best design for a roof cricket.

Additionally, professional contractors have access to high-quality materials and tools needed for constructing a durable and effective roof cricket. This ensures that the cricket will provide long-lasting protection for the roofing system and prevent potential issues in the future.

Furthermore, hiring a professional contractor can help homeowners navigate local building codes and regulations, ensuring that all necessary permits and approvals are obtained before beginning the installation process. This can help prevent legal issues and potential fines down the line.

Overall, hiring a professional contractor for roof cricket installation provides homeowners with peace of mind knowing that their roofing system is properly protected from water damage and potential issues in the future.

If you’re interested in learning more about the importance of proper roof drainage and the role of roof cricket in preventing water damage, check out this article on This article provides valuable information on how roof crickets can help divert water away from vulnerable areas of the roof, ultimately protecting your home from potential leaks and structural damage.


What is a roof cricket?

A roof cricket is a small ridge structure installed on the high side of a chimney or other obstruction on a sloped roof to help divert water away from the obstruction and prevent water from pooling.

Why is a roof cricket important?

A roof cricket is important because it helps prevent water from pooling and causing damage to the roof and the structure of the building. It also helps to direct water away from the obstruction, reducing the risk of leaks and water damage.

What are the benefits of installing a roof cricket?

Installing a roof cricket can help extend the lifespan of the roof by preventing water damage and reducing the risk of leaks. It also helps to improve the overall drainage of the roof, which can prevent water from seeping into the building and causing damage to the interior.

How is a roof cricket installed?

A roof cricket is typically installed by a professional roofer or contractor. It involves building a small ridge structure on the high side of the obstruction, such as a chimney, and then covering it with roofing materials to ensure a watertight seal.

Are there different types of roof crickets?

Yes, there are different types of roof crickets, including traditional framed crickets and pre-fabricated crickets. The type of roof cricket used will depend on the specific requirements of the roof and the obstruction that needs to be diverted.


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